Saturday, August 23, 2014

what my blog?

somewhat impulsively, as are most of my internet "connections", i clicked on the "join" button for a group on facebook... and the person managing the group responded, quite innocently i imagine, with:

Thanks for your request to join Central Florida Bloggers. Could you provide information about your blog?

and i responded, just as impulsively...

Hi... I am a relatively solitary blogger babbling on in my many blogs to anyone and everyone and no one and most of all, perhaps, to myself... i have a few very devoted friends who read often and comment almost never (they email now and then), but even as my ego toys with the concept of fan in a self-mocking irreverence, i have learned to be a very poor correspondent (in another life, or at least last century, i published a paper magazine for people who sought pen pals and corresponded avidly with hundred or people... even lived with one i met through words back then... i scribbled on a few dozen pages of the 1000 journals project and was very active on the web in assorted chats and boards and other places until early in this century when i went back to working a day job that occupies much of my time... so the last ten years or so are very self-indulgent whines and rants about what a burden giving everything to others and not having time for myself is, in between free-associative rambling that might only make sense to me and others who share a bit of my peculiar perspective, or madness, depending on perspective... looking back, i spent time on diaryland, livejournal, and my own website, though sadly thousands of pages of my websites were deleted by ATT, Disney, and other corporations along the way, so most of my more active blogs are on blogger these days... did i mention i babble?... my profile has links to some of my blogs.. and this is sort of a table of contents...